Sunday, April 25, 2010

One week left

"I can't want to go to bed!" yells Maeve vertually every night. She is not shy in telling us what she does and doesn't want, even if she doesn't use proper grammar. In just over a week she will be 2 years old. Which makes us laugh when saying it, because in our minds, she is way older than two. She communicates more like a 3 or 4 year old and seems to have the old sole of an elderly woman. Intelligent yet caring and compassionate, she seems to blow us away ever week with something.

Her temper is ferocious. Luckily she is so cute we just cant stay made at her. It must be inherent that way as mad as you get, you just can't help but loving this little creature sreaming, crying, and spitting.

Today dad was able to enjoy the girls at Charmingfare Farm while mom was working. The weather called for rain, but the sun stayed out and the weather was warm. The Robinsons joined us (minus Rachael who was also working). First stop, a bag of feed for the animals and a stop at the llama pen. Charlotte wouldn't even THINK about feeding "shiny" (she named the llama shiny). Maeve on the other hand, no fear. Loved having the crazy lipped animal suck the pellets out of her hands. She laughed and only wanted to feed them more and more. This was the same for virtually every animal we ran across (with the exception of the giant turkey whose GOBBLE GOBBLE scared the kids). Hysterical to watch. Maeve who just wants to get dirty, and charlotte who likes to enjoy animals from a far.

We had a great day although mom was missed. Its exhausting with these two girls. Dad certiainly understands that the "stay at home" gig is a full time job, a full time thankless job (with dad being the one who doesnt say thank you enough).

We are somehow hoping that when Maeve turns two she will magically start sleeping through the night. Yes we are still dealing with one wake up per night. Dad begrudingly crawls out of bed, rubs her back and she goes back to sleep. Some nights by the time he makes it back into bed and starts to doze off, she wakes again. Luckily those are few and far between. However he is looking forward to a full 8 hours of sleep one of these days.

And then there will be bunk beds. Princess bunkbeds, with Charlotte on the top bunk because she is a princess. No not a princess. She doesnt want to be a princess. She now wants to be a fairy. Typical girls.