Thursday, August 31, 2006

Love Thursday

Happy Love Thursday, everyone! I so enjoyed visiting all your images and words about love in all its forms last week — I figure we should make this Love Thursday thing a tradition, don’t you? To reiterate how this works:

1. If you have a blog, post a photograph, or a painting, or an image of art, or a story about love on your website today. Remember, it doesn’t have to be romantic love — it can be love of family, love of friends, love of pets, hell, love of a good meal. It can even be a deformed Cheerio that looks surprising like a heart. Seriously, anything — so long as it brings to mind love.

2. Once you’ve posted your image or story, feel free to return here to Chookooloonks(or the site of my Love Thursday Partner-In-Crime, Irene Nam) and post the permalink to your post in the comments. And by the way, if you post a photo or other image, please consider adding it to our Love Thursday Flickr Pool. It’s a wonderful place to visit and see real evidence that love is, indeed, all around us.

3. If you don’t have a blog, don’t let that stop you from sharing — feel free to post your story about love in the comments here.

*************and this is our love entry for Thursday*********************************

Charlotte's tiny feet when she was first born. Dad loved having this picture done. She was so tiny then, we never thought she would get bigger.

Monday, August 28, 2006

My Wife the Mom

I came home tonight after a long day of work to find my wife in the dining room. Charlotte was by her side busy playing with fingerpaint. Mom smiled intently and greeted dad with a kiss. Shelby was so proud of Charlotte splattering paint all over the paper, smiling from ear to ear, making beautiful artwork that will soon cover every square inch of wallspace in the kitchen and fridge. Dad was proud of Charlotte for creating such a brilliant masterpeice. Even more proud he was of Shelby for being such a great mother.

From their first date, Shelby made it very clear she wanted children and one day wanted to be a stay at home mom. In December, after the birth of Charlotte, she began her new job as a mom. It's a job that you don't interview for, that you don't get much feedback on, and is completely under appreciated. The days are long and the breaks are few and far between. To make issues more complicated, Shelby slipped on the steps in April and broke her foot. Only recently has she been able to walk with no crutches and able to drive. Being a mother, stuck in your own house, stuck in one room, and not being able to carry your child made this job even more impossible.

But mom got through it. Charlotte got through it. And dad got through it. Seeing Charlotte tonight and knowing that mom is giving her every ounce of love that she can has proven that Shelby was meant for the position. Shelby is now a mom, and a good one at that. Part entertainer, part teacher, part house cleaner, & part chef. Dad wouldn't trade that for all the money in the world. There is no better person suited for the job than his wife. And for that he is very proud.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Chickenwings and dogfood

Saturday we had a little BBQ with some of our friends. Dad had a hit with his home made grilled buffalo wings. He has decided to name them Hampshire wings instead of Buffalo wings since he really doesn't like Buffalo all that much. It's cold, always seems to be snowing, and he used to travel there on a regular basis for work. Every time he would get off the little plane at the airport he felt like he was at the North Pole. So snowy and cold it would block the sun. He felt he should have a parka with baby seal fur trim. Needless to say he thinks Hampshire wings make more sense.

Everyone was amazed at how well behaved the kids were at the BBQ. It was great that everyone got along and seemed to have a good time. We did end up with some additional "toys" at our house. We now own a Thomas the Train, a '70s style gold pickup Hot Wheels, and some random animals that fit into a puzzle toy thingy. Thank you. (if you want them back let us know).

You know all the paper post card inserts that fall out of magazines as you read them? Probably one of the most annoying and frustrating parts of a magazine since they always fall out and you can never get them all despite taking the magazine, turning it upside down, and shaking it. Well Charlotte loves them. She loves to pick them up off the floor, chew on them until they turn into a sticky paper pulp, and then she tries to swallow them. If you have any, please feel free to send them to us. They provide hours of fun for her and will undoubtedly provide us with our first Emergency Room trip with her.

Charlotte also has a taste for dog food. No, not the average horse meat, left over whatever Purina dog food. God forbid our dogs ever eat normal food. Instead it's the posh $60 a bag Science Diet allergy and wheat free dog food that you can only buy at the vet. Who would have ever imagined Wheaton terriers with Wheat allergies. Two dogs eating it is bad enough. Having a third creature scammering across the floor for it is going to really break our bank.

For the week leading up to the BBQ dad spent his nights painting the stairs and hallway going upstairs. We changed it from a dirty brown to white and blue and green. Dad still has paint on his legs and arms. Good thing he spent a week painting and inhaling the oil paint fumes because NO ONE even went upstairs. Here are the pictures so that he can feel like he painted it for a reason.

Friday, August 25, 2006


Tell me he is not the cutest dog in the world?

Children's Television

First thing in the morning Charlotte loves to get into bed with mom and dad and watch a little tv. If you asked us a year ago what we would be watching at 6am, dad would have said the news and the Today Show. Not any more.

Now we are subjected to watching the Wiggles and Boohbah. If you have never seen the Wiggles you are in for a treat. It is hands down the most disturbing childrens show on television. Four grown men from Australia wearing brightly colored shirts acting like idiots on television. Singing, dancing, doing skits, pointing. Charlotte is mesmerized. However she just stares...probably thinking the same thing...what are these imbeciles doing on television. Are our children learning anything from these nitwits? I'm not going to wait to find out. They are banned from our house and I will keep reading to her out of the dictionary to teach her words like incongruous and injudicious.

Boohbah is a close 2nd for the most disturbing show. If you hated the Teletubbies, you will hate Boohbah as it was created by the same person, Anne Wood. Anne must be an interesting woman. Obviously she likes Science Fiction...that in itself is strange....but to make matters worse she creates these far out alien characters that resemble gumdrops with giant eyes. Who thinks Anne grew up in the 60's and dropped lots of acid? (Dad's hand is raised). I would like to meet Anne Wood and have a drink with her. Thanks for making disturbing TV Anne.

So the good thing is Sesame Street is still on television. As a latch key kid of the 70's, I grew up on Sesame Street. It was my parents way of getting some free time. Plop us kids in front of the tube, turn on Big Bird, and they would get a solid hour of freedom. I was amazed to find out most of the actors are still on the show and still look the same. However I was shocked at the political correctness of the show now. Today there was a segment with Cookie Monster explaining how he loves to also eat fruit! What is this crap?? The Cookie Monster eats cookies not fruit. I'm sure some parents with fat children decided their kids were fat not because they feed them never ending cans of Coke and piles of Fruit Roll Up's dipped in chocolate, but because the Cookie Monster eats cookies. What has happened to Children's television?

****Must be noted that before children we were parent's that were never going to let our child watch TV. But with a child that isnt' fond of sleeping (waking 5am) and not napping ( two half and hour naps a day) we have turned to TV as a way of giving us a little bit of time.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Love Thursday

Happy Love Thursday, everyone! I so enjoyed visiting all your images and words about love in all its forms last week — I figure we should make this Love Thursday thing a tradition, don’t you? To reiterate how this works:

1. If you have a blog, post a photograph, or a painting, or an image of art, or a story about love on your website today. Remember, it doesn’t have to be romantic love — it can be love of family, love of friends, love of pets, hell, love of a good meal. It can even be a deformed Cheerio that looks surprising like a heart. Seriously, anything — so long as it brings to mind love.

2. Once you’ve posted your image or story, feel free to return here to Chookooloonks(or the site of my Love Thursday Partner-In-Crime, Irene Nam) and post the permalink to your post in the comments. And by the way, if you post a photo or other image, please consider adding it to our Love Thursday Flickr Pool. It’s a wonderful place to visit and see real evidence that love is, indeed, all around us.

3. If you don’t have a blog, don’t let that stop you from sharing — feel free to post your story about love in the comments here.

*************and this is our love entry for Thursday*********************************

Oliver and dad on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

dad's daily photo shoot before my bedtime

look at my spiked hair it's the new trend for fall, at least that is what mom and dad are telling me.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Favorite Image

This is dad's favorite image. This is Charlotte in Dad's arms as he rocks with her before bed. They do this every night. She stares deep into his eyes while he tells her about his day and explains to her how much he loves her and will do everything in this world to protect her and make sure she grows up to be a beautiful loving woman like her mother. Sometimes she smiles and makes little babbling noises, but most of the time she just stares and listens as they rock away peacefully until her eyes get heavy and he carries her to bed.

End of Discussion

So about the minivan...those of you who have children and drive convertible Saabs should not be laughing. Sure your cars are much cooler looking but can you fit two dogs, a baby, a pack & play, luggage for the family, an excersaucer, a play table, and a cooler in your car? I think not.
Those of you with children and dogs driving your Suburban's sure you can fit it all...but can you drive to Vermont and back on less than a half a tank of gas? And how much does it cost you to fill that mammoth vehicle of yours?? Less than $40? I think not.

So in my world the minivan wins. You are on my blog so you are in my world. Get over it or go find a blog where families try to squeeze everything they own into small sports cars or who like to blow a whole paycheck on fueling up for a Sunday Drive. End of story.

Thank you now read on.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Mom went a little overboard with the dog nails. Yes dad trimmed the dogs nails in the living room. Heaven forbid. Yes dad did his best to pick them all up. But he missed a few of them. Yes when dad came home mom had saved a dog nail in a plastic baggy like it was some kind of illegal contaminated bug. It was a dog nail. Dogs chew on cow hoofs and pig ears and it doesn't seem to hurt them. Dad eats peanuts including the shells and it doesn't hurt him. A little nail wasn't going to kill Charlotte. Granted coming out would not have been fun.

Mom started physical therapy today for her foot. She has very little to no range of motion in her foot. Hopefully soon she will be back to her "dancin' fool" self! It is nice to have her walking and driving now. Little by little she is recovering!

People have been asking for some Pics of here goes. These were taken in VT last weekend. More to come!

Treats for Charlotte-not for the weak stomach

All the things Michael does that drives Shelby crazy are quite true. BUT he forgot to add cutting the dogs toenails in a place where you can lose a few here and there. Charlotte was chomping on something for a few minutes..I figured she found a puff or a piece of paper. Nope. A dog toenail. Can you say disgusting? I can. If only he listened to his wife once in a while and was more aware of where he does things and how he does them. He won't be living this one down. I think I may gather the toenails up (because there are more than 1) and put them on his side of the bed.

Friday, August 18, 2006

12 hours to go

Until dad saves mom from Miss Charlotte who is getting up at 3am and starting her day at 5am. Charlotte does not sleep well in her pack and play and we are sure she wants to be back home in her crib. Mom sounds exhausted. Of course dad is fully refreshed and ready to go! He did spend hours last night cleaning the house from the messes he made, but it was so worth it!

Dad has a baseball game to go today at 1pm at Fenway. Redsox vs. Yankees. Yes it is work since there will be customers joining him. It will also be work sitting in the sun, drinking beer, and eating Fenway franks. Someone has to do it.

Soon after the game he will head home, grab mom's new minivan (he isn't crazy enough to drive a new car into Boston), and head to VT. It's great living in New England....he can hit 3 states in 1 day.

Ohh and I have to do this.....YANKEES SUCK!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The coolness factor

No one wants to be "uncool". Lets face it, when you become parents it takes some serious work to stay "cool". We can all relate because at some point in our lives our parents were not cool. Usually it is quick lived and can be just a year or two. For me it was when my mom dropped me off at soccer practice when I was 8 in a gold painted boat of a vehicle that was loud, had nothing but an AM radio, and that was purely not cool. Did my mom realize she was not cool in that car or did she simply not care? For those of you who know her, she really didn't care.

As you get older it's harder and harder to stay in touch with what is cool and what is not. Luckily when you are in your teens you get to do your best to dress your parents with the hippest clothes. This makes them a little cooler. You get to teach them the "lingo" of cool sayings. Today it would be "thats hot" or "that's tight". There are even websites dedicated to trying to keep parents up on the cool lingo.
Unfortunately until your kids are in school, its pretty tough to realize whats cool and whats not.

Black socks with shorts. Not cool. Dad has to be honest and say there have been nights when he gets home from work, changes into his shorts and tshirt....and ends up having black socks, shorts, and sneakers. So uncool.

Mom jeans. Shelby is petrified of ending up with mom jeans in her rotation. She isn't sure how women end up wearing them...she just knows she doesn't want them. Please, PLEASE let Shelby know if she ends up with them.

Saying uncool phrases. Dad's father used to say "whatever floats your boat". Dad always thought it was the most uncool saying in the world. Unfortunately the phrase has now made it into his regular use. Not sure how, but he catches himself saying it.

Minivans. Such an uncool vehicle. Today Dad picked up a new minivan for mom. Despite dad always saying he would never get a minivan....he got a minivan. Mom is beyond excited about driving the minivan and storing all the groceries in the back. Dad also loves the space and idea of the minivan.

At this point we are realizing that we have a good 12 years before Charlotte can help us become cool again. We are going to need your help and guidance to ensure we don't get any more uncool. Those of you with children in their teens we would like to borrow them from time to time to let us know how we are doing. Thank you.

I'm Ready

Ok, two nights without Shelby and Charlotte is enough. I want them back here. While sleeping is very nice...coming home to an empty house is not.

Monday, August 14, 2006

While Moms Away

Shelby, Charlotte, and the dogs are in Vermont for the week staying with Nanny. Dad now has the whole house to himself. While he does have a list of chores to do...we all know he isn't going to finish them. So instead of stressing about all the things he isn't going to get done, he has decided to think about all the fun things he is going to do.

This was an easy chore. He first thought about the little things he does that drive Shelby crazy. Those include:

Throwing laundry on the floor.
Eating in bed.
Leaving the toilet seat up.
Drinking out of the milk and juice containers.
Watching History and Discovery Channel instead of So You Think You Can Dance.
Cranking up the AC so its freezing cold.
Passing gas in bed.

The he decided to do as many of those things as possible...Safely....While Shelby is away.

At this very moment dad is in bed typing away. Next to him on the bed sits one orange Hostess Cupcake (he ate the other one in bed), a half finished gallon of milk, the remnants of a skinny cow icecream (sorry Shelby they will be gone by the time you get home), clothes strewn across the floor, the television blaring Modern Marvels on the History Channel, AC blasting, and he is positive he left the toilet seat up in the bathroom.
Ohhh and excuse me.


Friday, August 11, 2006

Paint, Paint, and More Paint

Our house is 106 years old. We actually never planned on buying an 'old house'. We searched and searched for new construction homes but they all looked the same, didn't have a lot of room, and had little to no character. We wanted new construction so we wouldn't have to spend weekend after weekend working on updating a house. So we bought a 106 year old house.

We both fell in love with the house and the location the second we walked in. While it is old....the inside is fairly new. The electrical was all updated, the plumbing, etc. Of course months after buying it the furnace went. And then the sump pump. The roof needs to be replaced soon. And there was this nagging problem with the paint that was peeling off the house. Dad was going to paint it himself...but the house has such tall peaks there was no way he could safely do it himself.

Enter the painters.

Dad got a couple of quotes in the spring. Of course he went with the lowest. Not always the best thing to do. The painters were supposed to start the middle of June. They got a late start and began the first week of July. Estimated time to completion was 2 weeks. Well as of today they are finally finished. They wanted to be done a few days ago...but dad wouldn't let them. This is the actual conversation dad had with the painter:

Painter - your house is finished now. I'd like to meet with you so I can get final payment.

Dad - Finished? You still have to get the peaks of the house and get the dormers.

Painter - I understand but those areas are difficult for us to reach.

Dad - You would be able to reach them if you had a taller ladder. Instead you have guys on ladders with paintbrushes duct taped to sticks to try and reach them.

Painter - Well what do you suggest we do?

Dad - You are asking me? You are the professional painters I suggest you rent a ladder that will reach and finish the job. I hired you to paint the whole house, not part of the house, and not just the 'easy' parts.

Painter - Ok, well we will do what we can.

When dad got home the house was finished. How they did it he does not know. Mom doesn't know either. She was scared to watch them after seeing the kid standing on the top rung of the ladder using the stick and brush to reach the peaks. We are just happy no one got hurt and that it is finally done. Below are some pictures of the finished product.

Comments and Feedback

Thank you for leaving comments and feedback. We both spend a lot of time working on this site. Mostly for our own enjoyment, but we also love sharing a laugh with our readers, our friends, and our families. Your positive encouragement keeps us writing and we love the feedback. We welcome you to email us and provide any ideas you may have to help make the site better. And by all means share it with anyone who you think might enjoy it. Thanks again for checking the site!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Scared to Death

To understand this story fully you have to understand how high above the floor our bed is. Let's put it this way...Shelby has a step stool to get into the bed. It is a little higher than waist high. It is so high we fit dog crates underneath the bed for the dogs. Please also keep in mind Charlotte is climbing and crawling everywhere. We constantly have to keep our eye on her so she doesn't fall off the couch, fall off of us, the bed...etc.

So last night Charlotte had a terrible night sleeping. Up at got out of bed...and came back to bed with her so Shelby could breastfeed. He woke up around midnight or so..having realized Charlotte was still in bed with us...took Charlotte lovingly out of bed and put her back into her room, safe and sound in her crib. Then around 3am, she cried again. Dad went and got her out of her crib...then climbed back into bed with Charlotte and mom. Charlotte slept between both of us. Dad fell asleep. Around 4am she was up for the day. Crawling all over both of us. Talking, touching us etc. Dad told mom Charlotte needed to go back into her crib.

Dad fell back asleep.

Suddenly a THUD was heard. Fearing the worst dad sprung out of bed, hands on his head...scared...franticly screaming JESUS CHRIST SHELBY! WHERE IS SHE? and while half asleep proceeded to run around the bed looking for her broken body on the floor. Charlotte wasn't crying and mom started laughing.

What dad neglected to remember was that before he fell back asleep he actually put Charlotte back in her crib (after he told mom Charlotte needed to go back into her crib). The THUD he heard was one of the dogs under the bed turning over in their sleep. The reason Charlotte wasn't crying was because she wasn't even in the room! Mom continued to laugh for a good ten minutes. Dad was just happy none of it was true and his mid sleep panic was for no reason at all.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Charlotte Turns 8 Months Old

Charlotte turned 8 months old yesterday. Everyone warned us to enjoy every second because it goes by so fast. They were right.

Dad installed some new curtains on Monday. Mom wanted new ones because the other ones were 10 months old. God forbid we have curtains older than Charlotte. Needless to say he put up the new ones which are pink and green toile (thats pronouced 'twal). I know, I feel the same way about toile.

Mom also gave Charlotte a doll to play with. Dad thinks the dolly is scary but Charlotte seems to like it. Look at the eyes on this thing and tell me its not scary? Dad is hoping if he pays the kids down the street someone will break into our house and steal the doll.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Dad learned a new trick

Just an FYI. Sometimes we cannot upload picture for whatever reason. Dad now knows how to link to kodak so you can view out photos that way. SO check the title to see if we have linked to Kodak. I think he just assumed you would have figured that out on your own...that's dad.

Dirty Ribs (click title to view photos)

Our weekend to do nothing quickly turned into a weekend full of something. Saturday Nanny and Grampa called in the morning and asked to meet us for lunch. We packed Charlie up in the car and headed to Keene NH (the halfway point). We had lunch at the Olive Garden. Charlotte had a blast playing with Nanny and Grampa in the restaurant. She ate bread sticks, paper coasters, and tried to eat grampa's glasses. We also found out that Charlotte loves to eat lemons. Nanny gave her a bite expecting to see a funny sour face reaction. Instead she smiled and sucked the lemon clean. Yes she is strange.

Sunday we took a ride to Curtis's Ribs in Putney Vermont to introduce Charlotte to Curtis. This is where dad and all his friends ate their college graduation dinner. A big old blue school bus with Curtis outside cooking ribs on the open pit bbq. His supervisor is a pot belly pig named CJ. CJ hangs outside with Curtis while he cooks and puts bbq sauce on the ribs with a mop. We love the fact that anywhere else in the world Curtis would probably be shut down. We are glad Curtis is still there. Paul, Kurt, Tim & Dawn, and Jon rode their bikes. Jena joined us in the safe SUV. Curtis said hi to us and welcomes anyone who wants to talk to him. People visit him from all over the world. We love Curtis's Ribs!

When we got home dad mowed the lawn. Charlotte read the paper as you can see.

Photos from Old Orchard Beach

Click the above title for pictures from Old Orchard Beach.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs....BBZZZZZZ, Bugs!

No...just kidding. It's Kiwi fruit, my favorite! I get to eat it everyday. I am not sure why Piper calls herself a Kiwi but if I continue to eat it I may turn into one myself. As mom always says "You are what you eat". But I must say there are alot of things I have eaten that I DO NOT want to turn into and I am not going to name them.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Messy Bessie

Here are some pics of Charlotte eating a cookie, followed up with some yogurt. Dad is not sure if she is the messy eater or if someone is a messy feeder? He just hopes she doesn't inherit dads propensity to spill food on his clothes everytime he eats.

Charlotte has also decided to stand on her own. She waves her arms above her head then comes crashing down. She also likes playing a little game with mom. Every time mom puts her down she cries. If you pick her up she stops. Down she cries. Up she stops. Like most girls she just wants her own way.

She also started saying Mama. Dad is in denial since he was hoping she would say Dad-da first. She also has another tooth. That makes three. She is growing up so fast we can't believe it. Maybe we should cut back on the food to slow her down.

PS. The answer to the quiz was the last answer. Dad survived by escaping to the pier with the guys every chance he got. Of course those other things helped but getting some testosterone time really helped him make it through.