Tuesday, August 22, 2006

End of Discussion

So about the minivan...those of you who have children and drive convertible Saabs should not be laughing. Sure your cars are much cooler looking but can you fit two dogs, a baby, a pack & play, luggage for the family, an excersaucer, a play table, and a cooler in your car? I think not.
Those of you with children and dogs driving your Suburban's sure you can fit it all...but can you drive to Vermont and back on less than a half a tank of gas? And how much does it cost you to fill that mammoth vehicle of yours?? Less than $40? I think not.

So in my world the minivan wins. You are on my blog so you are in my world. Get over it or go find a blog where families try to squeeze everything they own into small sports cars or who like to blow a whole paycheck on fueling up for a Sunday Drive. End of story.

Thank you now read on.

1 comment:

Amy said...

We hear you barking!!! We too own a very practical not so hip minivan!!! We just fit an entertainment center and 2 toy boxes in our baby!!!!