Tuesday, December 16, 2008

In case you missed it...

NH is in a state of emergency due to a huge ice storm that hit last Thurday. More than half of the state lost power, us being one of those lucky ones that were without power from Thursday until Tuesday night. Believe it or not, we really are lucky that we got power back. There are some towns that still dont have power and who are not expected to get power back for "several more days" according to our utility company PSNH.

Needless to say, we still do not have internet and phone. We really dont have any idea when that will be back and frankly, we really dont care. We are just happy to have heat, water, and electricity. Our thoughts and prayers go out to our friends who still dont have power. Hopefully it will be back on in the "next few days". We will be uploading some pictures shortly to show how bad it was really and still is. Literally there are roads that are still impassible. Not little side road, but main roads that connect town to town.

Needless to say, Im ready to now live off the grid.

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