Sunday, March 15, 2009

Expedition Monkey Boy

Maeve and Charlotte were treated to a cookout this weekend our friend Chris Roger's house. Since the thermometer hit a screaming 50 degrees, it seemed only par for the course to grab some meat and head out to the seacoast to visit with friends. Not to mention it is so nice to get out of the house. The girls had a ball exploring the house, and of course, playing with his dogs and searching for the cats. Charlotte really wanted to "camp out" there and was upset to leave. Overall it was a big success despite staying out way past the bedtimes. Charlotte did have a horrible time sleeping in the car on the ride home, but eventually conked out. She was sleeping so soundly in fact that once we arrived home dad was able to take her out of the car and carry her to bed without her even waking up. That NEVER happens.

Maeve on the other hand was up and had a hard time sleeping. She has caught a little cold and was super stuffy all night. Waking up multiple times. At about 4 am dad finally picked her up and carried her into bed with him, laying her on his chest to sleep unsucessfully. He then tried the horribly ugly lazyboy chair (that he refuses to let his wife throw away). After a few moments of rocking back and forth, the poor thing was out. He kicked up the foot rest and did he best to sleep with a stuffy, drooling, snoring little baby on his chest. She slept soundly on while he did his best to also sleep.

Maeve actually slept until 8am and happily woke up staring at dad wondering where and how she ended up on him.

Today we are continuing the adventure packed weekend by making a trip to BJ's Warehouse to see if it's actually worth signing up for a membership. We had a membership to Costco but never went and didn't like the selection of baby stuff and groceries. We will see how it works out at BJ's.

Maeve is sleeping again and Charlotte is playing in her princess tent.

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