Sunday, November 08, 2009

These kids

Car rides are an adventure with a 3 year old and an 18 month old. One thing is for certain, neither child sleeps and the adventures keep getting crazier and crazier. It doesn't matter if its a quick trip to the gas station or a day in the car. There is usually some singing, some crying, and lots of yelling. Mom decided to quickly run in the grocery store. The girls were ready to get out of the car. Dad threw in some relaxing music, hoping it would help "calm" them. Nope.

Maeve continues to amaze us with her vocabulary. Asking us "You Like?" when seeing us snacking on anything. You can truly hold a conversation with her at this point, she will answer your questions and tell you exactly what she wants. She sings her ABC's although does have a little trouble with some of the letters. She has "ABC" down and "EFG". The rest is hit or miss although for an 18 month old I am impressed. She can also count 1 through 10. She has been doing this for a while but really knows her stuff now.

We joke that she is way too smart. Combining her mini genius with her temper mom and dad half joke that she will be in reform school in no time. One day I have a feeling we will be looking back over this blog saying, yes, we knew it when she was 18 months old. Lets just hope she doesn't venture to the dark side!

Charlotte has been such a trooper with her bossy little sister. She even has been taking the smacks that Maeve throws at her. She has been really patient and loving to her little sister. Let us not mistake, Maeve LOVES her big sister. From the moment she wakes up Maeve wants to know where Charlotte is and what she is doing. But Maeve gets mad and when she gets mad she hits and throws temper tantrums. It just happens that Charlotte is usually nearby when this happens and she bears the brunt of it. Charlotte you are a good girl and thank you for being such a great big sister!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are adorable!
