Yes you are now officially two years old! I say "officially" since you have acted like a two year old for months now. You love to talk. You love to sing. You love to tell us "I can't want..." to do things. You drive us crazy with your terrible temper and horrible stubborness. But your cuteness wins out in the end, no matter how mad you make us. You are so damn cute we just can not stay mad at you. You don't love to share. If Charlotte has something you want it. If we have something you want it. If we try to take that same thing back from out. Meltdown coming. However you are so sweet and caring that it is infectious. You love your big sister and do everything you can to be around her. You ask for her first thing in the morning and miss her so much when she is at school. You want her to play with you all the time and love to get her attention.
You love your babies and love to play with them. You love putting them to bed, holding them, feeding them, and squeezing them. You love hugs. Big giant super squeeze hugs. It is the best part of getting you out of your crib in the morning, your little arms wrapped around our necks, squeezing us with joy. We will never get tired of those hugs and only hope you offer them to us the rest of our lives.
You say "bless you" when we sneeze and you hate boogies. You are the only kid we know that could be 100% happy eating nothing but potatos. Baked potatos, french fries, mashed doesn't matter. They are your favorite and you love them all equally. You ask every night for them if we dont feed them to you, which we are rarely doing since you will not eat anything else on your plate. You love chocolate and candy and your dad's smoothies. You love ice and make us break it up into little pieces for you to chomp on. And popsicles. Another Maeve favorite.
You hate having your hair brushed by mom, but love when dad does it. Dad doesn't do a very good job getting the knots out of your hair, which is why you probably enjoy his brushing more. Those knots are crazy and we are always trying to prevent them from turning in a giant dreadlock.
You dear Maeve, refer to yourself as Maevey Gravy which makes us laugh. That is what you think your name is, and we never correct you. We hope it sticks forever. You Maevey Gravy complete our family and we appreciate every second of every day we have with you. You have shown us how lucky we are and we love you so much. Thank you for an amazing 2 years of loving, laughing, crying, and most importantly smiling.
Love Mom and Dad (and Charlotte)