Sunday, July 02, 2006

2am tango

Charlotte forgot how to sleep last night. She decided to remind us that she forgot how to sleep. She reminded us at 9:30, 11:30, 12:30am, 2:00am, 3:30am, 5:00am. Dad didn't need any reminding after the 12:30am waking. It was a long night.

Sunday mom went shopping with Kelly and left exhausted dad at home with exhausted Charlotte all day. Charlotte did fall asleep for a nap at 11am. Of course it lasted a whopping 15 minutes. Not fun. Dad took Charlotte for a little car ride out to Wilson's farm. While he did debate leaving her at the farm, she did take a nap on the way there so he decided to keep her. He brought her shopping for fresh produce. They had a very enjoyable trip. Dad loves spending the day alone with Charlotte, even fussy and tired.

Mom came home from her shopping spree with a dress and a new pair of shoes. Of course dad asked her why she bought two since she can only wear one. She said they only sell them in pairs. Makes no sense to waste a perfectly good left shoe. Dad is going to try to sell it on E-Bay.

Mom and dad ate dinner outside Sunday evening.

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