Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fathers Day Weekend

So aside from the banquet and award, dad had a wonderful weekend. His parents (Grammy and Poppa) came for a little visit to see their "other" granddaughter. They were excited to see her and to also get to have some fried lobster and real chinese food. Amazingly Charlotte warmed up to them in no time flat, although we use the term "warmed up" very loosely. Sorry Grammy and Poppa...there is no picking up of your granddaughter for hugs. You want kisses? Mom or dad has to hold you to lean you over for a kiss. Tickles? Well you had better sneak them in at any chance you get. Don't worry the stranger aversion will not last forever. Look at the bright side? If someone ever tried to kidnap Charlotte she would scream and yell until she was blue in the face.

She had fun and loved learning. Grammy read to Charlotte the ABC's from the blanket she made for her when she was born. As you can see from the picture, Charlotte sat intently listening and learning.

Poppa bought Charlotte a dog that sings songs, counts, and does the alphabet. Amazing ly she can count. Well....sort of. She says, ONE, TWO....and she say EIGHT, NINE. We arent sure where the other numbers are. They are in her head, she just hasn't said them yet. He also brought her a light up dream bear with a remote control. It turns different colors and mom and dad can even control it from downstairs. It can light up her whole room, she loves it. Thank you

Thank you again for Grammy and Poppa coming to visit. It was so nice to see you. Now that you have experienced Charlotte having a temper-tantrum during a car ride, you can understand why we arent ready to do the 16 hour drive anytime soon. :)

1 comment:

Mutterings of a Geriatric Junior said...

I don't remember any tantrums. She's an absolute angel! And yes she is talking in full sentences.