Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Our Thoughts and Prayers

About a year ago we started following the blog of Jenna Jurgens. We know her sister Tamra and we started following her story of how a 34 year old mom of three was battling cancer for the second time. As if it isn't difficult enough just being a mom, being a mom battling cancer and for the second time is just amazing. Just when she thought she won the battle for the second time the cancer came back, this time in the form of Leukemia, and she also found out she was pregnant with her 4th child, a baby boy.

Her story and her blog touched our hearts. Here was a loving mom, with a baby growing inside of her, having to start the biggest fight of her life for herself, her baby, her husband, and her three children.

We are very sad to say that we found out she lost her fight today.

Being parents really changes your perspective on life and on living. Dad gave mom a giant hug tonight and just held her to tell her how much he loves her. He also gave Charlotte a few extra kisses goodnight. I would suggest that no matter who is reading this, you do the same for your family. Enjoy every moment you can because none of us can predict the future.

Tamra had set up a site to help cover some expenses of her sisters upcoming bone marrow transplant Help Save My Sister. Those of you who feel like helping can still donate. I'm sure the money will go to good use helping a family who just lost a mom.


The Snyder's said...

Oh my gosh...I have been following her terrible, I can't even imagine...I really have to donate now!

The Slosberg's said...

Very touching post. I can't believe it. Tonight has been very reflective for us as well.