Monday, February 13, 2006

Another Monday

Monday's suck. End of story.

Sorry it's been a little while since updating the blog. Time flies. Last week Charlotte got her booster shots! She did not enjoy the experience whatsoever. She was very cranky Thursday night after the ordeal. A slight fever but nothing to be too concerned about. Luckily dad did not go to the pediatrician's office with them or he would have questioned every shot.

Friday night she went to dinner with Mom and Dad, Paul and Jena, and Tracey and Jon to UnWined. A very cool wine/fondue bistro in Manchester NH. We tried to time it for a 7:30pm reservation, since that is when Charlotte goes to sleep. However, she didn't sleep the whole time there. She sat there, looked at all the people, and just relaxed. Maybe it was because it was a dark place with mellow music. Dad swears mom slipped Charlotte a little sip of wine. Everyone in the place was amazed at how well behaved she was. If they only knew!

Saturday dad gutted the bathroom and the living room in the basement (aka. the gym). Two rooms at once is a little much but his ADD got the best of him.

Sunday we got snowed it. It was nice. We had the fire going, played music, and relaxed. A great family day. :)

Monday, as stated above, dad went back to work. Need I say more?

This week Mom, Charlotte, Abigail, and Oliver are leaving Dad to go to Vermont. Mom says something about visiting friends. Dad thinks she is getting cabin fever and well...she is probably getting a little tired with dad and his projects. He has a feeling she is leaving hoping that when she returns the bathroom and living room will be back to normal. Come on, you know him better than that. Expect them in shambles for a few weeks!

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