Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Scared to Death

To understand this story fully you have to understand how high above the floor our bed is. Let's put it this way...Shelby has a step stool to get into the bed. It is a little higher than waist high. It is so high we fit dog crates underneath the bed for the dogs. Please also keep in mind Charlotte is climbing and crawling everywhere. We constantly have to keep our eye on her so she doesn't fall off the couch, fall off of us, the bed...etc.

So last night Charlotte had a terrible night sleeping. Up at got out of bed...and came back to bed with her so Shelby could breastfeed. He woke up around midnight or so..having realized Charlotte was still in bed with us...took Charlotte lovingly out of bed and put her back into her room, safe and sound in her crib. Then around 3am, she cried again. Dad went and got her out of her crib...then climbed back into bed with Charlotte and mom. Charlotte slept between both of us. Dad fell asleep. Around 4am she was up for the day. Crawling all over both of us. Talking, touching us etc. Dad told mom Charlotte needed to go back into her crib.

Dad fell back asleep.

Suddenly a THUD was heard. Fearing the worst dad sprung out of bed, hands on his head...scared...franticly screaming JESUS CHRIST SHELBY! WHERE IS SHE? and while half asleep proceeded to run around the bed looking for her broken body on the floor. Charlotte wasn't crying and mom started laughing.

What dad neglected to remember was that before he fell back asleep he actually put Charlotte back in her crib (after he told mom Charlotte needed to go back into her crib). The THUD he heard was one of the dogs under the bed turning over in their sleep. The reason Charlotte wasn't crying was because she wasn't even in the room! Mom continued to laugh for a good ten minutes. Dad was just happy none of it was true and his mid sleep panic was for no reason at all.


Amy said...

I know that feeling....glad it was just the dog!!!!

Buffy said...

Poor thing. And I thought waking up to an arlam was alarming.....can you imagine ...