Sunday, March 25, 2007

Beans Beans, the more you eat....

Friday evening we packed up the minivan and headed out to Vermont for a little weekend away. We could have stayed home to do a little spring cleaning but dad decided mom really needed a change of scenery. It was a long week with Charlotte being sick and all, and we both needed a little fun.

Mom and dad made a pact saying we would never be those parents that let their kid veg out infront of a lcd in a car watching a movie. Friday we broke that pact. We now understand why so many people do it. Charlotte who normally cries after 20 minutes in the car, was singing and giggling along with the wiggles for most of the ride to vermont. When it was over she contently sang kids songs in the car with mom and dad. The portable DVD/LCD worked!! It will be a staple in the van from now on!

Friday night Shelby's cousin Melissa and husband Ryan came over to show off ultrasound pictures of thier new baby. We hope they continue to have a healthy pregnancy and hope that they have a boy so Ryan will have someone to ride dirtbikes with. Believe me Ryan, a girl is not so bad and you had better believe Charlotte will be tearing it up on those bikes soon enough.

Saturday we did a little shopping in Manchester Vermont. Mom had warned dad about how horrible Charlotte was shopping. As usual he didnt believe her. He had to learn the hard way. He started with her in the stroller. She would stick her arm out while he pushed her through the stores. She would grab whatever clothes she could and pull them off the racks. So much fun. He then tried to just hold her and carry her around the store. This lasted all of 2 minutes. Finally he gave up and let her walk on her own. Her walk quickly turned into a run and the fun was on. Chasing her around J. Crew while she ran, waving at the girls working there. Picking up anything she could find, and more importantly getting in peoples way that were trying to shop.

We repeated this over and over. Finally at the last store mom just went in alone.

After our shopping spree and a little nap, Charlotte was ready to go on another excursion. Not wanting to dissapoint, we decided to head to our old residence of Williamstown MA in the Berkshires. We took her to the toy store and Charlotte got a pink balloon. Then we went to Desperados to get some Mexican food. Charlotte shoveled it in. Words can not explain to you how much this little girl loves Mexican food. Black Beans were being eaten by the handfuls. There was nothing left of the Burrito. Keep your hands and feet away from her when she is eating. It sickening.

After dinner we were all sleepy and headed back to the house to watch a movie and relax. Charlotte went down with a full belly and no issues. However she started waking up at 11:30 then it seemed she was up all night. Mom actually had to take her out of the crib and sleep with her in order to calm her down. Too much Mexican for sure.

Exhausted, we decided to drive back home Sunday morning before Charlottes nap. Of course she slept the majority of the 2 1/2 hour ride. Once we got home she was miserable. Fussy. Grumpy. And above all else Gassy. Hummm, I wonder where that came from??? It could have been from the 2 pounds of black beans she ate the night before.

Putting Charlotte to bed tonight was so much fun. The gas in her belly expanding. Of course letting her drink some of dads seltzer surely didnt help matters. She laid in her crib crying until she made herself sick. Wonderful. More puke to clean up. Let this be a lesson to all of your parents. Mexican should not be given to an toddler less than 1 week after a stomach flu. Lesson learned.


Anonymous said...

Reading the blog this name is in... I feel like someone auditioning for American Idol that gets sent to Hollywood....I made it!


Amy said...

We too have the DVD locked and loaded at all times in the car...Hunter can now turn it on and off by himself...Oh trips are much better this way! Ha! I guess there is something to be said for the BRAT diet after an illness! Ha! (Bannanas, rice, applesauce, and toast...)
Love A,C,H,and h