Sunday, March 02, 2008

City and Snow

This week dad was on a whirlwind tour of the country. Sunday he flew to Boise, Idaho for a traning at his new job. Wednesday night he flew back into Boston at 1am. Of course it was snowing. He made it to NH in 2 hours. At 3am he arrived home. His head hit the pillow and it was up again to drive 5 hours to Long Island NY. We left Charlotte with auntie Tiff, uncle Ian, and cousins Liam and Chase.< We hopped on a train and headed into NYC to enjoy the wedding of Matty B and Lila, now officially Lila B. It truly was planes, trains, and automobiles for dad.

Spending time in New York City was nice. Mom and Dad got some quality time alone. Of course the city is the city, and staying in time square you really do see it all. Case in point was meeting two women while eating lunch who were healers that told us God needed to talk to us and pray for us. Yes the four of us held hands in the middle of Carmines while the gypsy prayed for safety and money for dad and health and patience for mom, and of course told us our unborn child is a boy. It was kooky but at the same time we will take anyones prayers at anytime. We have learned to take all the help we can get especially from God. Yes it's a true story. And yes it would probably only happen in New York City.

Matty and Lila's wedding was very cool. They got married at the Foundry which is in Long Island City, just over the 59th street bridge. However, our cab driver didn't seem to know where that was and was asking us for directions. Despite the language barrier we got to the destination in time for the cermony. The place was beautiful and the ceromony was completely Matty and Lila. We are so happy they are married, they are a great couple.

Here are a few shots of NYC. What do you know? Chris Gilbert (a lifelong family friend of the Sanders) was up on one of the billboards for his show 10 Items or Less. If you haven't seen the show you really should. It is hysterical.

Here is mom in the middle of it all.

So our trip was over and we headed home. As we drove further and further away from the city there was more and more snow. When we finally arrived home we could not believe how much snow we had. This winter has been brutal in terms of snowfall. I keep telling people we have six feet of snow and they dont believe me. Here are the pictures to prove it. Notice the snow going half way up the tree in our front yard. That is not a snow bank people, its snow. Lets hope it SLOWLY melts to prevent any flooding like the last couple of years.

And what do you do with a two year old with all that snow? Well you teach her to ride horses of course. Mini plastic horses. Yes Charlotte is a cowgirl.

1 comment:

The Snyder's said...

You look beautiful Shelby! Glowing! Glad you guys had a good time, looks beautiful and fun!