Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving is just a whirlwind. We cant even begin to tell you all of the adventures of Marvelous Maeve and the Web. Here is a brief synopsis of the adventures.

Wednesday (day before Thanksgiving) - Grammy and Pappa leave from their visit. We drive to VT to see Nanny and Grampa.

Thursday (Thanksgiving) - Dad ate too much turkey. Three plates is two plates too many. And the pie and icecream afterwords? Not necessary. Glutten is a sin isnt it?
Friday (day after Thanksgiving) - Liam and Chase arrive in Vermont. Grampa and dad get Christmas tree for the house. Kids play. Turkey dinner number two is cooked. Dad only has 1 plate this time.

Saturday (day after the day after Thanksgiving) - Mom and dad cut down ginormous Christmas tree that they will eventually realize is almost two feet too big for the house. Kids create a cookie Christmas tree. More playing. Charlotte celebrates her birthday

Sunday (Sunday needs no explanation) - Pack up from Vermont. Drive home. Unpack. Set up tree and then decorate. Build snowman outside in first snow of the season.


The Snyder's said...

I am exhausted just reading this you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow,, that is one big tree!!!! The girls look beautiful ! Now that temper,, Mike you must be referring to your family right??
I think Maeve might have the most hair i've ever seen on a 7 month old!!!
Aunt Becky