Monday, March 02, 2009

Marvelous Maeve

Maeve turned 10 months old today. Daily she makes us laugh with the silly little things she does. Smiling. Laughing. Playing with her sister. She loves to sing. She loves to dance. She loves to wave goodbye when she crawls out of a room. She loves when dad builds forts. He will flip chairs over, stack up pillows, and cover it all with blankets. Maeve is the first one in. Just laughing to herself as she goes crawling under and into the deep dark recesses of them. Just playing and having fun. Turn your back for a second and Maeve can be in the playroom, just babbling with the dolls or crawling on the blocks, or she could be in the other room splashing in the water of the dog dish, or even worse, in the bathroom playing with the water in the toilet. She likes to get into things, good and bad. We have a feeling we will need another round of drawer latches and door locks put on.

Dad had the pleasure of enjoying some serious QT (quality time) with his daughters this past weekend. Mom took off to CT on Friday afternoon to have a mini college reunion of sorts. By 5pm on Friday it was on. Daddy daughter weekend was in full force.

Nothing says Friday night better than pizza, so he loaded the girls into the van and picked up a pie. Of course Charlotte wolfed down two huge pieces and couldn't leave Maeve out so he handed her his crust. He was tempted to give her a full slice, but know it is not on mom's pre-approved food list. So maybe she just had a couple of bites of his. Then again, maybe not dear.

Saturday began early. The girls were both up at 5:30am and the day began. We ate, we got dressed, we tried to brush hair, we tried to brush hair again, then just gave up. Stop number 1 was the dump. Uneventful. Stop number 2 was the Childrens Museum of New Hampshire in Dover. A huge hit for both Maeve and Charlotte. Stop number 3 was Jon and Tracys house in Newmarket. Great for Maeve. Bad for Charlotte. Lets just say it took an Oreo cookie, one lollipop, 4 pieces of gum, the offer to feed the clownfish, a cat named Toby, and both Lori and Tracey to get her out of the car. Oh and they of course noticed the "unbrushed knotty looking hair on both girls". One day I will invent a detangling spray that actually works.

Saturday night was just a blur of kids, diapers, a bath, and pure exhaustion. Sunday, well Sunday was the ohh so exciting trip to get an oil change and a car wash. Fun fun. The weekend went by so fast and despite the hard work, dad would never trade a single second of the special alone time he got to spend with his daughters. Hopefully they feel the same way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very cute....are those top and bottom teeth that I can see????
We miss them! Shelby we need to skpe me later.
