Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday Night Lights

Friday nights used to mean we could stay up late going out. When we were living in Boston Friday nights were about dinner and sangria at Tasca . After dinner we would catch a 9 or 10 pm movie or meet friends out downtown. Friday nights truly started the weekend. It was a night to go out. It meant Saturday mornings we could sleep in.

Maybe it was moving to a small town that changed that. Going to a movie now entails a 30 minute drive. Tapas and Sangria where we live? I'd love to just ask someone where there is a good place to get Tapas. I could see the response now "Topless? You are looking for a strip club?" No....Im looking for Tapas. "Topless?....well you have to go into the city for that".

Maybe it was having a baby that changed things. Gone are the days of sleeping in on Saturday mornings. They are like every other day of the week. Up when the baby is up. 6am or earlier. There is no sleeping in. Not to mention going out on a Friday night to rip it up in town with a 9 month old doesn't go over so well. It just doesn't happen.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I would not trade my lifestyle now for the world. It's just different. Somehow the weekends are shorter. Life passes by faster. Now Friday nights we are both so exhausted from the week that an exciting night is staying up until 11pm to watch a rented movie (and usually we both fall alseep before it's finished). It means a glass of wine at home instead of pitchers of Sangria. It means eating dinner at home quickly, just to eat so you aren't hungry, before Charlotte goes to bed. Fridays just are not the same as the once were. They are different.

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