Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Tonight dad realized how neurotic he is with his daughter. In his mind he is always planning for her future. With that planning comes teaching. He reads to her the science encyclopedia, shows her and explains to her how to cook, explains to her how the vacuum works (he isn't 100% sure but figures she is learning something), tells her about electricity, talks to her about never jumping on a bed with pennies in her mouth because she might swallow one like dad did when he was younger, and last but not least, reading to her bedtime books written in spanish.

Dad took 6 years of Spanish. He can not speak fluently despite taking "Conversational Spanish". He can pick out words here and there if someone is speaking spanish, but wishes they would speak s l o w e r. Some days he greets her with "Hola Senorita Charlotte". He is confident Charlotte will be bi-lingual if he reads to her the spanish book once a week. He even tries to mimic the accent when he reads it to her so she might speak it better than he doess (then there are other nights he reads to her with a southern drawl because he thinks it sounds so cute when kids talk with a southern accent). He thinks about all of the damage he has already done to her by speaking English this whole time. Then he thinks maybe he should talk to her in sign language. He does not know sign language except for a few choice dirty phrases. Maybe he should be teaching her latin? or binary code? These are the thoughts and ramblings of a neurotic father.

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