Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Grab a cup of coffee

This is going to be a long one.

It all started Thanksgiving day. Bennington Vermont. A cold and rainy day. The smell of turkey wafting in the air. Toys strewn about the living room. Cousin Liam doing his best not to beat Charlotte up. Dogs running in and out of the house. It happened. 22 steps. Charlotte had taken steps before. But 5 or 6 here and there. This was a walk. There was no denying it. She has grown up so much.

Thanksgiving in Vermont was very nice. On top of the standard turkey celebration, we also celebrated Charlotte's Birthday with a little party (the first of what will be 3 out Paris and Britney). She wore her birthday hat for all of 15 seconds. However she did love opening her presents and did love to eat cake. She also loved playing in the sea of bubbles that Grandpa made for her and Liam.

The thanksgiving festivities were short lived as we had to head home early to finish packing for our trip to Myrtle Beach. We packed up the car early on Friday morning and headed to Logan airport in Boston for our 10am flight. It was delayed. Dad and Charlotte walked up and down the terminal (dad was hoping she would be so exhausted from all the walking that she would sleep on the plane). Not a chance. Once on the plane, Charlotte wanted to play the open and close the window game. An hour and a half flight can seem very long.

Charlotte was very happy to see Pappa and Grammy in Myrtle beach. She also loved the warm weather. When we arrived Pappa, Julie, and Caitey picked us up in the airport. We had rented a car seat from a local childrens equipment rental store. For the weekly charge of $35 you too can rent a car seat circa 1979. The straps dug into her neck and the base of the seat slid from side to side of the backseat of the car. The whole trip Shelby just kept saying "don't get into an accident". Knock on wood we didnt. Thank you very much Childrens Horrible Equipment Rental. We will make sure to utilize your service again. Maybe next time you can rent to us an unsafe crib made of rickety broken wood duct taped together.

Day one of vacation was spent having quality time with aunt Julie, cousin Caitey, Grammy, and Pappa. Charlotte loved Caitey and wanted to do nothing but play with her. She would smile and laugh with her and point at her. Charlotte walked around pointing smiling and playing with anything she could get her hands on.

Day two was Saturday. Grammy and Caitey went shopping with us at Barefoot landing. They took Charlotte for a while and let Mom and Dad do some Christmas shopping. It was another beautiful day and as always Charlotte loved the fresh air. Charlotte really loved her cousin Caitey.

Day three Dad went sailing with Pappa on his new sailboat. Sailboats are a lot of work. Half of the time was spent getting the sails on the mast and ready to sail. The other half was just as much work. Once out in the open water dad started getting a little seasick. It didn't help that the swells were 4-6 feet. It was also very nice to see a sharkfin just off the side of the boat. Ok, we can end the sailing lesson now, thank you very much.

After sailing we took Charlotte to the Aquarium. Friday night we had dinner at an Italian Restaurant that had a huge fish tank. It kept Charlotte busy while we waited for our table. So we figured the Aquarium would really be a treat for her. It was. She just smiled and pointed at all of the fish and sharkts. She loved being in there. I think we are going to have to buy season passes to the Boston Aquarium!

Sunday night Julie and Caitey babysat Charlotte so that mom and dad could go out to dinner. It was great being able to eat dinner at a nice restaurant. Thank you very much girls.

Monday we did more shopping in the morning then headed over to Nanny and Pappa's house for dinner and birthday party number two. Charlotte had her own mylar balloon (she loves balloons) and a cake. Great Aunts Colleen and Sharon came over to join in the fun.

Tuesday we flew home. Uneventful with the exception of being delayed in Myrtle Beach and being delayed in the air to land at Logan. Charlotte was super tired on the plane and didn't want anything to do with dad. She did really enjoy making noises and annoying the guy in the seat infront of her who was trying to sleep (I wonder where she gets that from). Hello Mr.?? You are on a flight from Myrtle Beach. There are going to be kids on it. Sometimes kids make noise especially when they need to sit on their mom's lap for 2 hours. Deal with it, dont get all huffy because YOU cant sleep. Jerk.

Something happened on this trip with Charlotte. Im not sure if its the walking that makes her seem older, or that she understands what we are saying to her. We can point at objects and she looks at them. She now babbles away about everything. Her expressions are more like an adult then a child. She has grown up just before our eyes.

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