Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Screws and Spoons

The hospital called yesterday and moved mom's surgery up one day. So tomorrow at 11am she will be going under the knife to get the screws out of her foot. We really have no idea how recovery will go. At first the doc said recovery will be quick, but then again mom shouldn't have any pain at all right now and she does. So who knows. We just hope and pray for a fast recovery to get mom up on her feet! Dad is going to ask for the screws so we can put them in a scrap book. Sick? Yes but those screws cost us a pretty penny. We might as well ask for them back. Plus it's nice knowing they are in our hands and not being reused for some other patient. Hey it could happen! No I will not be selling them on ebay.

Charlotte is learning to feed herself. She isn't very good at it but she is learning. Dad came home from work to find her sitting in her booster seat, food all over her face, cheeks, & nose. She was holding the spoon trying to get it into her mouth. She did a pretty good job but none the less needed a bath after dinner. She is growing so fast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speedy recovery Shelby. We'll be thinking about you.