Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I have posted before about how fast time goes by when you have a child and how everyone tells you to enjoy every second. Of course no one listens to other people or at the time it just doesn't make sense. Right before our eyes Charlotte is getting bigger and older. Every day it's something new. Yesterday it was imitating all the farm animals. When we ask Charlotte what a cow says she holds her fingers to her forehead like horns and says moo. When we ask her what cookie monster says she makes her deepest voice possible and says something that doesn't even remotely resemble "cookie". All of this in the last couple of days. It just amazes us and makes us realize how fast they really do grow up. Sometimes I wish it would just slow down a little bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

time sure does slip by quickly. I blinked one day in what seemed like an instant, I had a 5 yr old and a 7 yr old! enjoy the little things while you can...before you know it she'll be in school all day! (sniff, sniff)
