Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Forget me nots

Unfortunately for most people without blogs, you lose track of what your kids did when, how often, etc. Sure you can grab the videocamera out and make a recording. Those are always nice to sit around and watch 20 years later on a rainy day when you cant remember what is on what video. And of course in 20 years from now who knows if you can even play back those lovely video tapes or DVD's you have. My parents spent a small fortune having all of our "kids" movies moved from 8mm to VHS. Videos of me making a mess eating an orange when I was one year old. Lots of little snippets of my sister and I playing as kids at Christmas and most holidays. Sad thing is we dont have a VCR to even play back the VHS tape any more. So yet another small fortune will be ponied up to move the memories from VHS to DVD. (Soon to be replaced by BlueRay or HD-DVD). With that being said we have done our best to capture the "essence of Charlotte" by taking tons of pictures and of course by keeping this site updated. I don't think the internet is going anywhere so we should be good for a while.

As a dad it's becoming impossible to capture all the milestones Charlotte is hitting. She is changing and growing daily. This week she is a parrot, mimicking everything we say (which is also really fun teaching her to say Yankees Suck). Last week she was jumping up and down, showing us how high she can get off the ground. Oh and of course she loves to now challenge both of us by doing things we tell her not to do.

In reality none of this is for her anyways. In 20 years from now when reading this she will think its cute and of course tell me how I am the best father in the world, how amazing I was updating everyone, and will undoubtedly give me a giant hug and tell me how much she loves me. However, the reality is I find it doubtful she will care at what age she learned to do somersaults or string multiple words together. But for me and her mom all of this is priceless and something we will have forever. For you as a reader, as friend, family, or just the occasional passerby you get a personalized glimpse into our little family world. So we keep it updated and we do our best to capture the milestones as they fly by at an exponential pace.

Here is the latest on words she says. Keep in mind she can string them together. Sometimes turning into cute phrases. Other times just gobbly gook.

Shar Keek = Charlotte
Pee tess = Princess
Hyme = Hide. She loves to hide under the blanket and call the dogs to find her.She will yell HYME! HYME! and quickly cover her face.
Bee Ball = Baseball. Also used to describe football, soccer, tennis, golf.
Pee Pee Poo Poo Elmo Daddy = Used to tell us she wants to watch the Elmo Goes Potty video that has Elmo's father in it.
Bless You Mamma, Bless You Dadda = Whenever someone sneezes. Or coughs. Or chokes.

1 comment:

Mutterings of a Geriatric Junior said...

Michael, I love you