Saturday, October 06, 2007

Milford Pumpkin Festival

Ok, it wasn't quite the Keene Pumpkin Fest (world record holding Keene NH for the most amount of carved pumpkins) but it was still a festival and there were pumpkins and it was Milford NH. Mom, dad, and Charlotte met Jena, Paul, and Marin there to partake in the festivities.

Charlotte liked listening to the live music (moosick as she calls it) and had a ball just walking around. There were crafts, there were booths with food, and there was Charlotte playing with the puppets that people were selling. Charlotte learned one of life's hard lessons today. She learned that just because she picks up the turtle puppet and hugs it and kisses it, does not mean that it is hers. We could have just bought her the turtle puppet. But that wouldnt have help her learn anything. So instead we made her put it back. In reality she screamed and cried for a second when we told her to put it back. Then she shot us an angry glance. So we had to take it from her and put it back. I'm not sure if that really taught her anything except mom and dad are mean, but our intentions were noble.

After we got home and after Charlotte woke from her nap she decided it would be cute to walk around the house in Da Da's shoes. She was right. It was cute.


Anonymous said...

I've always done lots of holding toys for a minute and putting them back in stores to try to teach that lesson. I think it helps, but certainly doesn't stop them from crying every now and then. Like pretty much everything with kids, it gets better for a little while, then worse, then better again, etc.

Those pumpkins are so big they look kind of gross!

Amy said...

Charlotte is getting so big!! Love, Love, Love her pants!! Love A,C,H and h

Tamra said...

I love the B&W pics!