Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Baby I Hate Dad Syndrome

"I hope you enjoy this project because it's the last one you are doing this year!" Mom yelled to dad as he was trying to install a custom made screen door on the front of the house. Jeeze. You think just because Maeve didn't sleep well and is constantly clinging on mom that the world has to stop! You would think that just because dad woke the baby up with his hammering outside after mom spent an hour trying to put her to sleep that he was a criminal. Mom has New Baby I Hate Dad Syndrome. All wives get it. It usually kicks in a few weeks after the baby is born once they realize the amount of work with a newborn is not going away. Gone is the excitement of bringing the new baby home. Hello "reality" of "wow, this is a lot of work on so little sleep". Oh and since dad's don't have boobs there is only so much they can do. New Baby I Hate Dad Syndrome makes mom's jealous of dad's who can go on doing their own things as if the world hasn't suddenly changed. New Baby I Hate Dad Syndrome makes mom's angry because they cant just run and frolic outside like dad's. That's part of being a woman. Sorry dear. It's not my fault.

Luckily NBIHD Syndrome is only active a little while...somewhere in the 12 - 18 month mark it starts to settle down....although it never truly goes away. Once a woman gets it, it stays in her....deep down inside. It can suddenly appear out of no where. Causing fits of rage, swearing, screaming, and yelling. As far as I know, there is no cure. Chocolate, flowers, cards, and picking up the house without being asked seem to help.

Maeve has not done much since the last post. She continues to eat, grow, sleep, cry, and poop. Here is a shot of Maeve sleeping.

Here is dad with his girls:

Charlotte on the other hand continues to be a big help around the house. She helped dad mow the lawn and she helped Nanny plant flowers in the flower boxes. Afterwards she did what all 2 1/2 year olds do. Frolic and dance around the driveway.

****UPDATE BY MOM: it took my lovely husband 4 hrs to do a project that would take most men or at least my father 30 mins...

UPDATE BY DAD: As you can see Shelby has a very severe case of New Baby I Hate Dad Syndrome. What my wife neglected to tell you is that since our house is 105 years old every project requires "custom" work. Nothing is level, straight, or square with this house. Its OK dear. I know in 12 - 18 months you will be feeling better.


Crisanne said...

J chuckled knowingly when he read this! I, personally, have no idea what you're talking about. :) Hope you had a nice weekend with your family.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I can hear Shelby's tone so clearly. Sounds like every house with a newborn!


Anonymous said...

You guys crack me up!!! Maeve is adorable. I love your girls


PS- I was SO excited to make the blog last week.

Anonymous said...

It boggles my mind that the testosterone laiden parent seems to always have a project to do when the baby is sleeping or getting ready to go to sleep and the project has to be done at that exact minute...but when the baby is awake and happily playing the intense urge for construction or demolition projects is not there.

I feel for you Shelby...I understand completely. A screen door was installed in our home this weekend during nap time.


Anonymous said...

Shelby, please remember who Mike's father is. There is never a project decision made without very, very, very long consideration and forethought! Do you know how long it takes for him to change a lightbulb? Usually it entails a trip to Home Depot besides figuring out how much light he wants and how much he gets for his money. Then he buys the most expensive, knowing it just has to be better. Good luck. I knew a good women would take on my son