Friday, May 30, 2008

Wii Fit

Excersize while playing a video game? Any excuse to talk mom into allowing dad to purchase a video game system sounded good to him. He tried to get mom to agree that a Playstation III and Grand Theft Auto was a great way to relieve stress, thus making him healthier. Instead mom went for the WiiFit idea. Thank you Today Show for popularizing it for us. If Matt Lauer said it was cool, well then we HAD to get it.

Ok, it is cool. How it works without wires is a mystery.You stand on the board and PRESTO! Weight and Body Mass Index is calculated. What I will say is that my weight was dead on and now I have a video game telling me I am fat. Just what we all need.

Once it was set up, Mom quickly took over, testing her fitness and playing some of the games. One of the games requires you to walk a tight rope, using your balance. She died. However, another game where you get points for spinning an virtual hula-hoop she was amazing at. And I think she broke a sweat.

Will it replace the gym? No. Is it a fun way to work out at home without feeling like you are working out? Absolutely. Highly recommended for those of you with kids or parents that could use a little extra activity.


Amy said...

I've been wanting one!! My sister just got one and said it is quite hilarious to watch my skinny, lanky, awkward brother in law swerving and swaying around the living room!! Ha! Amy

MyEStore said...

Yes! Wii Fit is an interesting game. Your whole family will enjoy.