Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Get the straight jacket out!

If she were an adult she would be institutionalized. However since she is 2 1/2 we assume its just the terrible two's. The good news is that she turns 3 in three months so we can expect this behavior to suddenly cease. Correct? I mean the terrible two's will be over right? Someone please tell us it gets easier at some point?

Now we know why everyone says TREASURE THE MOMENTS WHEN THEY ARE BABIES! So that is just what dad did tonight. He held baby Maeve and she fell soundly asleep. Polar opposites.


Anonymous said...

As they say, enjoy these moments. Terrible twos turn into tempermental threes and frustrating fours. Today's problems become just a fleeting memory, and tomorrow's problems loom in the distance.

Amy said...

Charlotte cracks me up! I have to say 3 proved to be more of a challenge than 2...but maybe Charlie will be different! :) A,C,H and h