Saturday, November 08, 2008

And the hits keep coming

You have to know something is up when you don't see a post for a WEEK! Well this was literally the week from hell. Dad spent Sunday night, Monday, and Monday night working on a large proposal at work. Meanwhile Mom was the lucky winner of Mycoplasma Infection aka Walking Pneumonia. Yes it seems that is what Charlotte had, which spread to dad, and low and behold has spread to mom. Oh and did I forget baby Maeve? Yeah, she also potentially has it too so she is also loaded up on antibiotics. Fun stuff. Unlike the typical cold, it spreads rather slowly, usually 15 to 25 days after exposure. Hence the reason why it took dad over a week to catch Charlottes, and mom over a week to catch dads. The good news? Its pretty hard to catch unless you happen to sleep next to someone who is spreading their mycoplasma infected droplets from their nose and throat through coughing and sneezing.

I wont get into the details of the drama that ensued this week, but I will say there was some frantic driving at 2am, and infant and a mother with high fevers, and complete and utter lack of sleep. The good news is the week is now behind us and we are looking forward to a fresh start. Complements of a giant can of Lysol disinfectant spray.

Let us not dwell on only the negative of the week. There were some positives that happened. Maeve began sleeping completely unswaddled. Her sleeping position of choice? On her side with one hand holding her stuffed bunny.

And the girls seem to think that diapers make great hiding spots. Lots of diapers. They think that burying each other in diapers is fun. Crazy kids.


Anonymous said...

I missed you guys, my week just wasn't the same with a Charlotte and Maeve update. I am glad that everything is on an upswing and people are feeling better!!

Snowflowers Mum said...

sorry bout the sickness...friends have it in Ohio...I think it's a conspiricy from the right wing to infect States that flipped blue!

OMG...I think you have Charlottes next costume! How adorable is that!

ooooh, so happy to see Maeve with her bunny! Paisley loves her soft.

The Mrs. said...

That is one bad week!!!! I hope everyone is on the mend!!!