Wednesday, March 28, 2007


American Idol watchers beware. Sanjaya has nothing on Char-jaya. She dances. She has a mohawk. She is cuter. And above all else she can sing much better (although it's more like yelling and we have no idea what she is saying). Yes folks, welcome the next American Idol....Char-Jaya!

Sanjaya TRYING to sing.

Charlotte after a singing spree. Amazing.

Tonight mom went to get her hairs cut. Dad got to spend some quality time alone with Charlotte. It's funny how much she changes when her mother isn't around. I think she does her best to drive her mother crazy just to get a reaction. I started thinking this a few weeks ago when she was whining and whining. She would keep running to Shelby to throw herself at her. When Shelby picked her up, she would want to get down. When she put her down, she would want to be picked up. Shelby got frustrated and said, "Charlotte, I swear I am dropping you off at the Fire Station!". Charlotte turned towards me, winked, and smiled. She then went on driving Shelby crazy. I should have taken that as a clue that she was doing it on purpose.

Tonight she was an angel. We ate the spectacular grilled chicken and squash that dad made. We played. Then she took a bath and just splish splashed for what seemed like hours. Afterwards she put her diaper on without crying (no small feat in itself, she hates her diapers). She then got her daily massage and she just smiled. She even put her pajamas on without a fuss (although dad did have to sing Old MacDonald over and over). She really likes when he choses unique animal sounds such as the armadillo, chinchilla, and spiny lobster. Yes even spiny lobsters make sounds. This is what it sounds like. I don't make this stuff up people. If you have unique animal sounds, please send them to me so I can include them in my rendition of Old MacDonald. Thank you.


The Snyder's said...

I am cracking up right now Michael! I completely understand about the whole Mommy/Daddy thing...they are smart little people huh!

The Slosberg's said...

You should learn how to mak the call of the jonfish. It sounds like flatulence only smellier. I want to hear your spiny lobster rendidtion tomorrow.

Amy said...

Too Cute and definately are the blog king! A,C, H,and h