Saturday, March 03, 2007

The trip that almost was

Mom and Charlotte have rescheduled their trip to North Carolina for next weekend instead of this weeked. Dad had to call everyone and cancel the party he was planning.The kegs of beer have to be returned. The entertainment has been canceled. The idea of sleeping in until 9am has been buried into the back of his brain until next weekend. There goes running around the house in his underwear and sock singing Old Time Rock and Roll like Tom Cruise. The good news is he wont have to try and come up with the money to replace the Porsche that accidentally falls into Lake Michigan. (again some of you like my mother wont get the reference).

Dad is exhausted after a horribly sleepless night. Charlotte was up at midnight and required dad to rock her for 20 minutes, then put her in her crib and rub her belly for another 15 min. Everytime he stopped she would look up at him laying on her back in her crib and grab his hands and put them back on her belly. She must have had a tummy ache. Again she woke up at 3am. Then at 5am. Then finally mom went and got her at 6am.

Dad will be taking a little siesta on the couch very shortly.

1 comment:

Mutterings of a Geriatric Junior said...

You're right, I don't