Thursday, March 22, 2007


Most people don't think about germs and viruses very often. Maybe when flying on a plane, or touching a public toilet you might think to yourself "I bet there are some germs here. I hope I don't catch anything". For most people that is where it ends. For dad that is where it just starts.

His new passion is killing germs and viruses. Whats really funny is he can't see them so he never knows if he really completed the job. It's not like a fly that you can wack with a fly swater and see if its still moving. Most bugs have weapons that destroy them. The swater for the fly. The trap for the ant. Spray for the wasps. Boric acid for fleas. Germs and viruses are no different. The weapons of choice are heat and chemicals such as the ever important bleach and Lysol.

Dad isn't sure why he is becoming so obsessed. It might have to do with being a new parent. Seeing his daughter Charlotte sick yet again with a "stomach bug" is throwing him for a loop. Monday Charlotte attended her first "music together class." It should be called lets pass the germ infested flute around in a circle to share our germs class. In reality he doesn't mind that germs are shared. He does mind when bad germs are shared that cause his daughter to throw up all over him while he rocks her in his lap to put her to bed. Vomit soaking through his clothes, puddling in his lap. A lovely pool of warm smelly puke. That is when he has had enough.

Today was "playgroup" day. Did Charlotte attend? No. Why? Well because she was sick yesterday and tuesday. So we did what most parents should do. We kept her home. Why others can't seem to do the same with thier children I do not know.

So now the mission has begun. Kids, bring your runny sniffly noses near
my child and you will get sprayed with Lysol. Consider this your one and only warning. Dad has had enough with the cleaning up of puke and the smell of vomit is really getting to him. Germs and viruses are not friends to the new parent.


The Snyder's said...

Michael - loved the post! In fact that is what the ENT talked with us about..."don't be afraid before you go to a house with kids, to ask if any of them have been sick, since you can't put him in a ziplock baggie" now I guess you guys won't be offended if we ask! Get well Miss Charlotte!

Anonymous said...

Michael- I couldn't agree more!
My first experience with Liam's vomit was on Sunday night. I have never been covered in so much vomit- luckily I didn't do the same. You know what a germ freak I am and therefore completely understand how annoying the inconsideration of other parents who bring their children to play group- you could smack them with a stick!!!
I hope that Charlotte is doing better. Liam is now fighting a cold does it ever end?

Anonymous said...


I unfortunately may be able to top you and Tiff,,,, When Hannah was two and got sick the first time, she was of course in bed with me,, I awoke to a horrible smell and rolled over just in time to get a face full of vomit!! Yuck , to say the least.. I am not sure then who was sicker,, Hannah or myself!! I also agree,, parents who bring their sick kiddies around others are just plain inconsiderate!!!!
Aunt Becky

Anonymous said...

I hope that spring will bring wellness your way. In defense of some parents out there-many kids act completely well one moment and puke their guts out the next. I have unknowingly taken my daughter out when she was sick (and I think I recall you doing that once too :) ) As much as I'd like to put them in bubbles and remain germ free it simply isn't possible. Just wait until you have more than one kid to "spread the love"! As far as Lysol goes-my husband tells me it doesn't work on some of the most popular stomach bugs like Norwalk virus. He's told me the explanation a few time but I forget the details. It doesn't stop me from using it though.

James Michael said...

Aunt becky that sounds horrible!I cannot imagine but I bet it will happy at some point in our lives...and I think I will be more sick. UGH!