Sunday, November 12, 2006

The things that Charlotte has learned

Yesterday Charlotte walked 5 steps! Of course mom couldn't verify because she was in the shower. Today Mom finally caught Charlotte walking! It wasn't far but it was more than two steps in a row. Hard to believe in the next couple of weeks she is going to be more and more mobile!!

Those of you who have had the dis-pleasure of seeing Shelby mad know the look she gives. She carries her expressions in her face and mostly in her eyebrows. It's very easy to tell when mom is happy, mad, or sad, just by looking at her.

For some reason over the past week, Charlotte has been shooting dad (and everyone else for that matter) these terrible angry looks. Mom of course trying not to encourge it has been telling dad to just smile and give a happy look. Tonight he caught mom telling Charlotte "No" for ripping up magazines and realized the look she was giving was that same exact angry look they are trying to discourage.


Amy said...

Hilarious!! I think I've seen that look once or twice at QC! Ha! Just kidding Shelb!! Go Charlotte Go! It's a whole new world when they can walk!! Ha!

Hen Jen said...

oh gosh, those pictures are a crack-up! It's a horrible moment when you find your babies copying your misdeeds. It's a little scary, the power we have as moms. Not as scary as hearing your mom coming out of your mouth, that will come later.

Jenny in CA