Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year New Posts

So far 2007 has been uneventful. Granted we are only 4 days in but we are very very VERY happy that not a whole lot has happened. We are looking forward to a quiet uneventful year. That is dad's New Years have nothing exciting happen. Only 361 days left to go!!!

Mom got the bright idea last night to bring Charlotte into bed with us when she woke up screaming around midnight. More of her teeth are coming in and they are really bothering her. So since it was "mom's night" to comfort her if she woke up...she decided to pick the screaming child out of her crib and bring her into bed with us. So we had a screaming child in bed with us. So much fun. The pillow over dads head did little to block the earpiercing screams. However while crying Charlotte did find some solace in jumping on the pillow on dad's head. Jump, cry, jump, cry. Stand up in bed. Fall down in bed. Cry. Roll around. Cry. What a wonderful way for dad to sleep. You knew it was bad when mom actually asked dad, "Michael, what should I do?".

Well dear leaving the screaming princess in her crib would have been a $&#$'n start have you tried a warm bottle and rocking her to sleep? Mom gave it a shot and what do you know? It worked!

Other than the horrible sleeping lately, we are running into some horribly poor eating habits. Charlotte will eat bread and cheese. Thats it. Oh and frozen blueberries and cherries that make a complete mess...staining her hands and face. Literally that is about all she will eat. How much nutrition is in frozen blueberries? Well click the link to find out. BLUEBERRIES
And do you know there is a whole website dedicated to blueberries? I think I am going to write to them to see if they would like to do a study of the health effects of a 13 month old who eats nothing but blueberries.

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