Saturday, February 17, 2007

Of course

Dad cant get sick during the has to be on the weekend when mom is ready to have some spare time. Friday night dad come home not feeling all that great. He ate dinner and quickly got Charlotte into bed. Good thing. About 30 minutes later he was in bed shivering with stomach cramps. So he put on some thermal underwear. Still shivering. Then a sweatshirt. Still shivering. Now the heat was cranked to 70 and he had out the heating pad on high, laying on it under a pile over covers. Still shivering uncontrollably. Mom was still downstairs putting dishes away when he came down yelled at her..."You know you could at least check on me!'....his body shivering beyond belief. Mom now laughing at him because his body was shaking. He grabbed the thermometer. 103.00. He threw back a couple of extra strength Tylenol and headed back upstairs. Mom still laughing. Oh of course he kept telling mom she should be calling the hospital for him because he was coming in! What a mess.

The shivering ended as fast as it came. Suddenly he was boiling. He counted down the time until the Tylenol would kick in. 50 minutes later the fever dropped slightly and he felt hot but at least a little more like a human being. Mom brought him some pedialyte since he was losing fluids (we wont get into that, Im sure you can figure it out).

Its crazy that he is such a baby with a 103 fever...when Charlotte was at 104 she was acting like normal. Sometimes Big People are more like babies than babies are.

Night number two was not much different. He is trying to figure out if he ate some Peter Pan peanut butter or some lettuce that some mexican migrant farm workers pooped on. Then again it could be the Noro virus but he hasnt been on any cruise ships lately. Who knows. Please send chicken soup and clear liquids.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure you didn't swallow some of that Mr. Bubble?

The Snyder's said...

Michael- Heard it's a quick moving bug, went through my brother's house, but my sister-in-law was lucky enough not to get it, hopefully you will be too Shelb!

The Slosberg's said...

Hmmm, I think your pregnant.

The Snyder's said...

Are you feeling better Michael????