Thursday, May 10, 2007

Stop and smell the flowers

Good advice that we should all listen to. We all know the adage "stop and smell the roses". Flowers, roses, whatever. We know the metaphor yet none of us do it as much as we should. Except for Charlotte. She stops to smell everything, especially flowers. She even smelled the arborvitae trees. Crazy kid.

Mom and dad have learned to enjoy shopping in the evenings after dinner and after Charlotte goes to sleep. Last night dad hit Lowes and Target at the prime hour of 9pm. What a great time to shop! No crowds and great parking! Dad broke down and spent a whopping $9 on an Elmo sprinkler knowing it was going to be hot today.

It was so hot that mom and Charlotte sat on the kitchen floor eating ice cream. Not a good habit to start mom.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream!

Look at my cute pony tail. Can I go play outside now?

I love playing outside!

Last year we purchased a picket with our name on it as a way to donate to the building of the new playground. Well the new pickets are up! Here is ours:


Anonymous said...

My kids still love smelling EVERYTHING! Dandelions are a definite favorite.

Amy said...

Love the pig cute!! She is getting so big...great pics!Love A,C,H and h