Sunday, June 03, 2007

Ducks, Painting, Outfits, and Playgrounds

It was a busy week as you can tell from the title. Even though dad would LOVE to update the blog daily, it has been a challenge over the past few weeks. As the days get longer yard work takes over in the evening instead of blog posting. Not to mention this stupid digital camera that only half works. Who wants to read a blog with no pictures? I certianly can't blame you. Whats even worse is trying to cram everything into one blog post per week. Inevitiably something gets forgotten. Dont worry. We will be switching back to the mulitple posts per week so be sure to get back into the habit of checking this out daily.

Last weekend Charlotte battled what we thought was teeth coming in. She was miserable. However her fever kept spiking and she started puking. Monday night was bad. Tuesday night was horrible. 103.8 fever. Wednesday she seemed better. But then in the morning we suddenly heard a super loud bang. It was Charlotte. She was running in the hall and fell head first right into the corner of the door frame. An egg the size of a golf ball quickly formed on her forehead and she didnt stop crying. Eventually she settled down, but she was definately not right. After a few hours she started puking. Wonderful. Did she have a concussion or did she just have some stomach issues? We called the pediatrician. They said to bring her in. Good thing. We took her temp again and it was 104.7.

The doc said his usual schpeel about how it should get better in a few days and how she might have Roseolla (I think they love saying that). Then he checked her eyes. Fine. Nose. Fine. Mouth. Fine. Ears. Ears. Not fine at all. Turns out Charlotte got her first (and hopefully last) ear infection. And it was a good one at that. So good he even tried to have mom look into the ear with his thingymabob. So he wrote a script for some antibiotics (great we said we would never do antibiotics for her) and sent us on our way.

After a few days she started feeling better. We also learned that she has an inate talent to draw with markers. Not to be a kid satisfied with mediacraty, she has increased her talent to now include three markers at a time. Amazing.

Charlotte also got to try out her new yellow dress. She absolutely loves it and pranced around the house in it. She is growing up so quick. Here is a shot of Charlotte looking at colleges on the computer.

And a shot of Charlotte pretending she is at a kegger at college.

After she started feeling better we were able to take Charlotte to the park after work (it is only right down the street from our house). She used to love the swings. Then she hated them. Now she loves them again.

Dad found Charlotte her first catepillar. She thought it was neat for about a minute. Of course she didnt want to hold it though.

After the park dad took Charlotte on a ride around the neighborhood on his motorcycle. She loved it. Ok they didnt go anywhere. Just sat there and reved the engine.

Sunday we went to church again. This time Charlotte got to play in the nursery. She was happy because they had an elmo doll. Thats all it takes. After church we went to the Duck Race. It had been postponed from two weeks ago due to rain. However it rained today but the ducks were ready to swim. Grand prize was $1,000. We didnt win however Charlotte did get a pink balloon that got away from dad after about 30 minutes. He was never very good at hanging onto balloons. Sorry Charlotte.

They also had a big blow up bouncy thing. Even though Charlotte can't jump yet she still had fun.


Snowflowers Mum said...

I tell you what, that girl gets cuter every day! That yellow dress is lovely on her. Sorry to hear about the ear infection...we've had one and it was a dousey, we also say we'll never do antibiotics again..they are brutal on the stomach, worse than the ear infection!

Amy said...

Hope Charlotte is feeling better! She is so cute in her dress!! She is looking so grown up! Love A,C,H and h

Amy said...

Hunter just looked at the pics and said "Let me see Charlotte"..."She looks like a princess...hey I want to color with those markers"! Ha!

Anonymous said...

She is getting so big! Those are some great facial expressions that you captured...she looks especially proud in her yellow dress!


James Michael said...

Amy, he is too funny! I love hearing his comments.What a funny little man.

Anonymous said...

This is the age that my oldest decided she only wanted to wear dresses. It lasted about 2 years!

Hopefully the ear infection will clear up quickly so you won't have to do any more antibiotics. Oh and yogurt can help if she's having tummy troubles from the medicine.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Can I just say that that yellow dress is the cutest thing ever!! I have 3 boys... so I don't get to buy dresses and skirts and tutus (yet!)... but I just melted at that little Ralph number!! So cute!! I hope she is feeling much better - there is nothing fun about being sick!
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- Audrey
Pinks & Blues