Sunday, November 04, 2007


Charlotte has super powers. She emits a scream that reaches over 130 decibles and hits an octive that can crack all the glasses in the house. The dogs run away. Mom and dad left writhing on the floor in pain, ears bleeding. She thinks it's funny to possess the power to deafen those around her. We only see her face laughing as we hear nothing in the wake of the scream.

The terrible twos are creeping closer and closer. We still have a month so why is she torturing us early? Naps have been reduced to short spurts of quiet in the house. Her energy level unrescricted. Jumping up and down on the edge of the couch. Climbing the coffee table. Yelling for bubbles and crayons. Saying ready, set, go then running full speed from one side of the house to the other. Back and forth. Its like ADHD without the ADD. Just pure H. Slamming doors. Whining for toothbrushes. Spitting water. Screaming. Crying. Twirling. It is exhausting.

I don't ever want to wish my child to grow up. But I do want the terrible two's to come and go as quickly as possible. Please.


Amy said...

We hear ya barking!! Love A and C

The Slosberg's said...

too bad they stopped making quaaludes....

Anonymous said...

oh please- I have seen her in action and she is an angel!

Charlotte- I am on your side!

Auntie Tiff

Snowflowers Mum said...

aaahaaa, gets better...the terrible two and a halfs! They are the worst! People say three is tough, but we're a few months away from that and we've actually seen a huge improvement...'s a crapshoot! They are all monsters of monolithic proportions!


Snowflowers Mum said...

Piper's never been a screamer...but yesterday she became one...WTF??? Our ears are still bleeding!
