Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Just another Thursday

Ever catch your kids staring at you dumbfounded with how ridiculous and uncool you are saying stupid phrases to them that once long ago drove you crazy when your parents said them to you? I told Charlotte the other day she was "cruisin' for a bruisin'". First of all, I hated hearing that when I was a kid. I used to think it made my dad sound so uncool. But with fads the way they are it may be back in style and be a cool saying (although we have no way of knowing what the cool sayings are these days). Again the other day I caught myself upon returning home from a drive with the girls saying, "Home again, Home again, jiggity jig". Yet another phrase that is forever entrenched in my brain that was repeated over and over upon returning home from long rides in the car, usually at night as a way for my dad to wake us kids up. It worked and I am perpetuating the phrase unconsciously.

Charlotte also has her own phraseology. She wears her Snow White nightgown incessantly; she refuses to part with it.To bed. While eating. She even tries to wear it into the bath. She love Snow White. But when you point to the picture of Snow White on the dress and ask her about it throws her hands out and says, "Snow White. I never seen that movie". Crazy, you have seen it a zillion times.

Overnight she has grown up. She is now sleeping soundly in a big girl bed. She is moved into her new big girl bedroom which she loves. Naps are a breeze as are bedtime. Mornings are still a little early, but we can live with that. She has learned not to wake us up until after "six ohh ohh" as she says. Potty training is done. She goes potty all day without even telling us. Tonight dad emptied the potty and was amazed with how much pee was in it. We no longer use diapers except for nap and bedtime to prevent any accidents.

Maeve continues to be herself, the second child. Smiling. Sleeping. Eating. Smiling. She is content and we all love to snuggle up with her. Charlotte gives her lots of kisses and loves her little sister so much. Maeve stares wide eyed at Charlotte in awe of her big sister. These two girls seem to get along amazingly well. We know it wont last but are hopeful that dads amazing parenting skills pay off. If they don't, well we know he will just blame mom.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how grown up she looks in these pictures....and from the post it sounds like she is getting to be a big seems like it went by so fast!


Anonymous said...

Those pictures of Charlotte are beautiful.
Eat your beets! Don't you want to pee red?
