Thursday, October 30, 2008


To say that the past few weeks have been stressful for Shelby and I is an understatement. Charlotte being sick, dad being sick, the economy in the tank. Constant worry about our measly 401k losing half of it value, concern about how much it is going to cost to heat our house this winter, the Presidential race and being bombarded with negative ads. Stress of work, taking care of the kids, then the baths, picking up the house, waking up in the middle of the night to feed Maeve.

Tonight was no different than any other night. After dinner dad started cleaning up until Charlotte started causing a ruckus in the other room. He grabbed her, bathed her, brushed her teeth while mom finished the dishes, put away the leftovers, picked up the house, kept Maeve occupied and started a bottle. Exhausting, but that is the nightly routine.

Dad carried Charlotte up to her bed. He turned on a light, laid in the bed with her and read her a story. She then did her prayers and dad turned out the light. She curled up next to him and grabbed his hand. Her soft little hands grabbing his tightly against her chest. She snuggled in under his chin and whispered, "I love you dadda" as she drifted off to sleep.

At that very moment, all the stresses of the world dissolved into nothing but a quiet peace. Nothing but warmth, love, and happiness. A warm child in the protective arms of a parent. Safe, secure, quiet, and loving. At that moment, the feeling of God and his love was overwhelming. Peace in it's purest form.

Slowly the thoughts came back of chores remaining, work, and then it was over. Time to get up, slowly sneak away without waking her up, to head downstairs to finish the responsibilities of the night. To be a parent and the roller coaster ride that it is.

Now a few pictures that are completely unrelated to the story above.

Fridge Artwork Titled: Face to Eat the Leftover Squash by Charlotte Ronan.

Charlotte Ronan napping. Really she is asleep in this picture. She is her mother the bed hogs daughter.

Yes Maeve has a pony tail.

Can you believe the hair?


The Snyder's said...

Michael what a great post, so true! All of it! Even the part about Shelby :):)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Post Michael.How Lucky Charlotte and Maeve are to have you and Shelby. Cute little behind Charlotte! And yes,, what hair that Maeve has!!!She still reminds me of Suri...
Happy Halloween !
Aunt Becky

Anonymous said...

I am loving Charlotte's artwork and the fact that she is now onto other mediums as she seems to feel that a painter's canvas is too restricting to express her creative side. Maeve's ponytail is too cute!!!


Tamra said...

That was so touching!