Thursday, October 16, 2008


When dogs sit, we give them treats and clap and praise them and say how wonderfully trained they are. However, when babies sit we sort of say, wow, the baby is sitting, then refocus on efforts to get the baby to crawl and stand and eventually walk. Well I am not going to be that person who merely skims over the fact that his daughter achieved a milestone this week with sitting up, all on her own. Nope. Instead I am going to take thousands of pictures of her sitting. Sitting here. Sitting there. Sitting with items. Sitting without items. Sitting outside. Sitting inside. In fact I am even going to write a letter to her...right now....

Dear Maeve,
On Monday October 13th at the ripe old age of 5 months, you sat up on your own. Yes, you sat with your father on the couch in the evening and watched Cops with him. He didn't have to hold you up from falling. You just sat there unassisted, smiling, watching the boys in blue cuff and stuff some creepy crack head who tried to steal some poor ladies purse, then ran through the woods only to get thrown to the ground and tasered. Oh how we laughed. You and I, sitting together, on the couch. Sitting.

I love you my little magical sitting child. Keep up the great sitting.



Amy said...

Sitting....I do miss sitting!! Do appreciate it...because I do not think we truly appreciated sitting!! I think as our kids have gotten older they have lost the ability to sit...I wish we had taken more pictures! So cute! A, C, and the 2 non- sitters!!

Anonymous said...

Maeve, I love you. Please take your time with all these wonderful milestones. Give me a chance to cuddle with you before you start chasing the dogs.

The Snyder's said...

Good job Maeve!

Anonymous said...

YEAH Maeve!!!


The Knott Family said...

Maeve & Carver need to get together and compare sitting notes! Carver has just started sitting on his own as well....very wobbly still. Your girls are just adorable!