Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Surgery again....


No, not mom this time it's dad's turn. Tomorrow dad goes in for surgery on not one but two Inguinal Hernia's. Wish him luck and send some good thoughts his way. As well send them to Mom, she will need them to deal with a very active toddler and a very "sensitive" dad. Charlotte will by his side while he is recovering since she loves laying with her "dadda" on the couch or anywhere for that matter.
We love you "dadda" and will try our best to take good care of you.


Crisanne said...

I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I hope everything goes well and that Charlotte remembers to be gentle with dadda.

Snowflowers Mum said...

you poor thing...hope it goes well...thank god you guys have insurance! You really are getting your money's worth!!
