Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Mom and I had our first community outing together today, we went to the community church to see Amy Conley perform. She is a musician who plays the guitar, banjo and harmonica, she also had puppets. I had fun just watching all the kids run around and misbehave. I didn't misbehave I just sat on Mom's lap. The music was great after about 10 minutes it put me right to sleep in my favorite's arms. I stayed alseep until we left the building when the cold air took my breathe away...we walked to and from the event since the church is basically in our back yard.
We met Olivia there. My mom and her mom were in childbirth class together and have been keeping in touch since then. They both went to the class and low and behold they both had to have c-sections. Then she came over to my house and we played for a little while..she was overtired and cried so they had to go home. Then it was my turn to cry..I held off while she was over because I am 1 week older and I wanted to show them how mature I am. But, then I was overtired and hungry again so I cried.
Oh and I have kind of given in to the whole pacifier thing. I use it to go to sleep at night..sometimes. Mom and dad have been trying to get me to use that thing since I was 2 or 3 weeks old, but I liked mom better than a piece of rubber. Now I realize I am not getting mom so I may as well take that plastic thing since it helps. I think I kind of like it, but don't tell my mom and dad becuase then they may want me to use it all the time.

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