Friday, February 24, 2006


Despite sleeping 8 hours on Wednesday night, little Charlotte did NOT have a great day on Thursday. Of course she didn't want to nap at all during the day, which of course leads us to being?? overtired. Which makes us? cranky.

Dad promises to complete the bathroom "remodeling" this weekend. He was thrown for a little loop when the "linen faux painting technique" really didn't look like linen and really looked horrible. So time to repaint the walls yet again. This makes coat number 8 of paint. We will post pictures when it is finally completed.

Sunday is mom and dad's one year anniversary. Dad says year 1 you are susposed to give paper which is awesome since he has plenty of paper products around the house. Paper nakpkins, paper plates, tissues, toilet paper, and computer paper. He might just give mom an assortment of paper, sort of like giving an assortment of chocolates.

Hard to believe in 1 year the following has happened:
Mom got pregnant (how it happened we still are not sure but we really think it was the fertility goddess in Mexico on the honeymoom)
Mom and Dad sold the house in MA
Dad took at new job
Mom and Dad moved out of the house in MA and into the house in VT
Bike week 2005, rain and mud as usual
Mom and Dad bought the house
Mom quits her job
Mom and Dad moved into the house
Dad puts in fence at new house
Mom chops off finger in food processor
Mom and Dad have baby Charlotte

That a lot of major things in one year. We hope and pray 2006 is a little less hectic and certainly less dramatic.

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