Saturday, December 23, 2006

Visit to Boston

My sister and her boyfriend and my niece have been visiting in Boston since last weekend. They all came over Wednesday night after skiing for the day at Pats Peak. She drove all the way from South Carolina just to go skiing and eat lobster. Yes my sister is insane when it comes to steamers. So we all decided to go to the Lobster Boat in Merrimack NH. Not a upscale restaurant, but children friendly and they do have the best seafood in the area. Julie managed to wolf down about 3 pounds of steamers plus a lobster. Caitey also ate a giant bowl full of steamers. Between the two of them they did some pretty serious damage.

Thursday dad played hoockey (not really he used a vacation day) to go to Boston with everyone. The goal was to hit the Childrens Museum. Of course we got lost, ended up parking in the wrong garage, then walked to the childrens museum. Once inside we realized they are in the middle of a major renovation. In order to lessen the amount of chaos we split up in the museum. Charlotte mom and dad played in the infant area which was very cool. Everything was padded and soft and Charlotte was able to run around free without mom and dad freaking out she was going to fall, smack her head on a corner, and have to rush her to the hospital. Instead when she fell she would just roll around on the padding. Julie, Caitey and Ken went off of their own to explore.

After about an hour or two we were done. Mom and dad were starving, Charlotte starting to get fussy. We decided to drive to Fanieul Hall to grab some lunch and Quincy Market. Of course the week before Christmas this was probably not the smartest idea. Finding parking was horrible. Traffic was horrible. We spent nearly an hour just driving 3 miles. We should have walked. What was supposed to be us grabbing a quick bite to eat turned into a production with low sugar level mom and dad. Luckily we ate and rebounded before we completely freaked out.

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