Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Last night Shelby was able to climb the stairs so we could sleep in our own bed. So nice. Dad set up the bedroom with the bassinet on one side of the bed. Then put the camera for the video monitor on the bassinet. The video monitor was on his dresser. This way mom could peek over the bed on her side to see Charlotte and dad could just look over at the monitor and watch her on his side of the bed. Psychotic yes but both mom and dad managed to squeak out almost 6 hours of sleep. Dad is still amazed at his level of functioning on such little sleep.

Jon and Tracey came over last night and brought us wine from their trip to Napa Valley. Mom couldn't drink any yet since it's probably not such a bright idea to mix with narcotics.

This morning Charlotte was very alert. Dad walked her around and gave her a tour of the house. He also taught her how to make coffee. Let's see if she can remember tomorrow. If only she could talk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see that she is learning the important lessons in life such as making coffee!