Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Three Weeks Old

Today Charlotte is three weeks old.

Tuesday Dad used his last vacation day. Mom and Dad decided to run some errands with know...hit Target to grab some curtain rods....then a run to the grocery store. We threw her in the bucket...grabbed the stroller...and off we went to Target.

We made it into the aisle with the curtain rods. Charlotte started crying...then wailing. Mom had to make a quick getaway to nurse Charlotte in the car. Dad was stuck picking out the curtain rods. Don't ask what he bought but they at least fit.

As for the grocery didn't even try. Dad shopped. Mom stayed in the car feeding Charlotte.

After they got back home dad decided he had enough with the clutter. As if having a baby didn't bring enough "stuff" into your house....swings, chairs, diaper bags, blankets, more blankets, suffed animals, toys, more diapers, baby clothes... Christmas just brings even more. All over the house have been little piles of things. Things to go upstairs, things to go downstairs, things to be put into piles. Dad decided to start with the living room and clean the whole house. He got rid of the Christmas tree. It was dead anyways. After the tree was gone it was time to vacuum the needles. That was about as far as the cleaning got.

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