Thursday, December 08, 2005

Still No Name

Still no name for our little girl. We are getting there....down to two. Both girls (mom and baby) are doing great. Mom was able to get up last night and walk. Mom was able to sleep last night from Midnight to about 4am. Baby has been feeding from mom and dad has had LOTS of diaper changes already. He should be keeping count...but he is not. Mom thought it was VERY funny seeing the first diaper change and swaddling (if you want to call it that). Dad's burrito swaddling looks more like a fish sandwich than anything else...but with practice will come perfection!

Mom started solid foods today and has been able to walk back and forth from the bathroom. The OB came in today to check on her incision and it'd doing great. If all goes as planned Mom and Dad should be able to bring the baby home on Saturday!

So for now, thats about it for updates. Both mom and dad have had little sleep an are pretty tired. We hope tonight to get some rest. I have a feeling its not going to happen but thats ok....its worth being tired for our little girl.

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